Interviews with Men Supporting Women: Ahmed Noor Aldeen

This interview has been conducted with Mr. Ahmed Noor Aldeen, a consultant for development and gender. 

Initially, we would like to thank all of those, who are exerting efforts in this society, to assist and support women, who suffer and struggle to shape the way of their existence  especially under the constant conditions of war. The war exposes women to danger, not only on a personal level, including physical abuse and other kinds of ill treatment. In addition, women are a particular vulnerable group – particularly in the context of armed conflict – and though they are one half of society and present at all domestic levels, as they are mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, and nursemaids. Besides being caretakers, women are also managing their households – in times of prosperity, as well as in times of distress.
In the following part, we will talk about some pioneer feminists and women rights advocates, who have had prominent and impactful roles – not only within their personal lives – but also in the lives of others. Moreover, the below presented feminists have ideas that are rarely discussed at the moment, as the war has strong psychological impacts on our communities. Usually, stories of war suffering and frequent violence and abuse are dominating in public debates.
Finally, we also would like to thank all interviewees for the opportunity to discuss with them at full length, to understand the specific challenges and situations that women are facing in their roles at the individual, family, and community levels.
To begin with, it is necessary to introduce the feminists we are going to talk about. Additionally, the respective woman rights advocate will be asked some questions, to give him the opportunity to express himself.

1-    It is our pleasure to welcome you, Mr. Ahmed and thank you for participating in our interview. Firstly, we would like you to give us some information about yourself. In addition, please give us also some insights into your academic and professional life, that contributed to attain a prominent position in society on the one hand, and distinguished you in the field of international development and gender equality on the other hand?
At first, I thank you for hosting me and for considering me among the influential feminists. My name is Ahmed Noor Al Deen, and I work as a consultant for development and gender. I also organize trainings in relevant fields, including proposal writing, gender, project management, monitoring and evaluation, and drafting work plans. Besides, I am offering orientation services and give advice to young business leaders. I run my own private business, which is a consulting company. I am also a member in the board of directors of the Business Support Centre.

2-    Regarding your activities in awareness raising of women’s rights and improving their community interactivity, can you tell us about some of your contributions, achievements, or work in this field? At the family level, can you mention some shining examples of how to support women to become role models for others?

Speaking about myself, I believe women are not less worthy than men. They have the same rights as men and the same duties as well. Personally, I believe that every human being has a message and freedom especially in selecting his/her roles in life. Such choices should not be imposed on anyone. Although I used to and I am still encouraging my wife to start her own business, she chose to be a housewife; whereas, my sister has her own private business for Cosmetics and Skin Care, in which I am her partner. Moreover, we are planning to work on other projects in the future. Professionally, I provide consulting services and trainings that prepare women and qualify them to become active members in our society.

3-    Due to the incidents that the country is witnessing, women are considered essential partners in supporting their families. In your opinion, how can men contribute to developing women’s capabilities to become active in safe environments and surpass the traditional challenges imposed by the “masculine-oriented” society?
Women have enormous capabilities, but they lack confidence and support from men. It is very important that a brother supports his sister, a husband supports his wife, and a father supports his daughter. Women also should fight for their rights and not surrender for some unfair habits and traditions that contradict our true religion.

4-    From your point of view, what is the appropriate mechanism that men can utilize to support women's empowerment and enhance their interaction and participation on a political, economic and social level?
It can be achieved by assisting them in their empowerment in different fields of life, whether on the economic, social, or even political level. It is important for men to understand that empowering women to become leaders and pioneers in different fields does not make their manhood any less. It is the opposite: this will elevate their status, the status of their children, and their families which will benefit their communities and economy in general.

5-    How can men contribute to supporting the development of innovative solutions to promote gender equality?

Before doing so, women should make a move towards the same direction. For men, it is important to open an opportunity for them, lend moral support, and give women confidence. This however, will not be enough, if women do not start to improving their own status.

6-    Studies confirm that gender inequality and discrimination, is a root cause and/or consequence of violence against women and girls. To counter this, it requires the existence of gender-sensitive policies and practices that respond to the conditions of our country and community problems.
a.    How can advocacy and joint work between men and women create such policies? What are the tools and mechanisms that are required  to get the support from families and society at large?

This can be performed by organizing awareness campaigns through different networks, stakeholders and means. In other words, some people follow religious instructions, some others follow traditional views, and others believe in scientific recommendations etc. Therefore, different strategies should be developed to increase people’s awareness about the importance of women’s roles in society, whether on the economic, social, or domestic level.
b.    How to raise the awareness of society to not accept or tolerate violence against women and girls?
It can be achieved through the same strategy that I mentioned above. On the one side, there should be advocacy campaigns stating the decrees and laws that criminalize violence against women. On the other side, it is necessary to create new practices for the members of society that are promoted and approved by different local entities, including local councils, village councils, fathers’ councils, local sheikhs and others. This can serve as an additional strategy for getting the support from the governmental and community level.

We thank you once again for your time and your insights!

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