Women Success Stories: Shifa'a Bahmesh
Shifa'a Bahmesh

“Her surrounding environment describes her heart as being full of love and cooperation. She always says that she becomes happy only when she succeeds in saving people, or helping those who need help, or doing any humanitarian and service work that benefits our society.”

Shifa’a Bahmesh was born in Hadramout, then moved with her family to Aden. The positive family atmosphere that was characterized by peace and love to others and the civil life that she had in Aden encouraged her to volunteer already at an early age. During this time, she was able to inspire others with her self-esteem and clear goal she had for her future, which was to create a positive change in the community.

In 1994, when she was in the last grade in the secondary school, Shifa’a was engaged in the field voluntary work with the first aid workers during the civil war. This is how she learned more about nursing and was inspired to continue to work in nursing after the end of the civil war. This was followed by her work as a technician in the sterilization department at Aden General Hospital, as part of a voluntary work for ten years.
During her voluntary work, she was able to obtain two diplomas, one in nursing and one in secretary services. After this long journey of gaining experience through voluntary service, she finally joined the Planning and Population Sector in Health Office in Aden.

The achievement of having a position with the Health Office did not keep Shifa’a from voluntarily helping people in need as a social activist and as the executive director of Lahthat Ajr foundation. She engaged in many voluntary activities either in health, humanitarian or relief fields.

With her peaceful, inclusive and tolerant character, Shifa’a regrets all the destruction that was caused by the war. She dreams to see peace in all parts of Yemen, north and south. She tries to make peace in her surroundings, which she thinks will create an impact, if everyone starts thinking the same way to spread peace. This will help rehabilitating what the war has destroyed and build social cohesion.

Shifa’a is engaged in many social and civil activities as well as many coalitions, such as the 21st century women leaders and women peace advocates. Shifa’a wishes to be a bridge to all those who are in need for support and wants to facilitate decision-making in favour to those people that need protection.

During her studies and voluntary work, Shifa’a faced many challenges, such as the lack of support in the humanitarian and relief fields from the international organizations’ side or from the public sector side. She faced this challenge within her foundation that depended on self-efforts to run activities or charity workers, which still not enough to respond to the dire needs of people.  

Her mother’s passing was the most difficult period in her life, “my mother suffered from many diseases, then she died. I was shocked when she died, and I abandoned everything for a year. My mother was the tower of strength to my siblings and me. Her death anniversary is always a sad day to me”, she said with great sorrow and bitterness.
Her mother’s passing was the most difficult period in her life, “my mother suffered from many diseases, then she died. I was shocked when she died, and I abandoned everything for a year. My mother was the tower of strength to my siblings and me. Her death anniversary is always a sad day to me”, she said with great sorrow and bitterness.

Her message to women is that it is now the time for women to achieve the equality between men and women, and to acknowledge the role of women. But this will only start when women believe in themselves and their abilities that enable them to fit to any position or role they would like to have in the public sphere. Furthermore, she affirms that women presence and engagement in all levels of society will greatly contribute to developing the community and achieve sustainable peace in Yemen.

Shifa’a is certain that her message of serving the community will survive the hardship in Yemen. Shifa’a’s journey and her love to voluntary work and community serving made her a success story, which is an added value to the success that Yemeni women are recording.
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